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(D&C 38:30)

Homeland Security Live Alert




When a disaster happens, either for you, your family, or your community, how will you reach all of your loved ones?  Do you have a 'Contact Plan'? Does everyone in your family have the ability to reach you?

Did you know that Cell Phones are great for most everyday communications, but in an emergency of any magnitude they are simply NOT going to work?  Too many people will try to get on at the same time, thereby 'overloading the system', or maybe, the cell towers themselves will be put out of commission as we have seen so many times before with the hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters of recent times.  There ARE alternatives!

Visit our Communications Page for more!


Emergency Storage

Do you really believe that it is the Government's responsibility to take care of you in times of disaster?  Even IF that were true, how LONG would it take someone to come to your aid?  Most Government Preparedness plans stress that you may be on your own for at least three days, possibly more depending upon the severity of the disaster.

It has ALWAYS been good counsel to have a '72-hour' kit, maybe you ought to consider expanding that to a '1-week' kit.

For your long term storage, do you have enough to help your extended family and your neighbors as well?  You might consider how important it might be to get yourself in a position to help others in their time of need, not just take care of yourself. . .

Visit our Storage Page for more!


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